A look ahead to 2024

As we all look forward to the last few days of this year, it’s of course inevitable we also look back on the year we are leaving behind. In our case, 2023 has been a year to very much remember for Store Maintenance. With so many new customers joining our community, answering a record number of calls and completing some memorable projects, we have never been busier.

But what promises does 2024 have waiting for us all? It’s never easy to make predictions but we do believe sustainability, reducing costs, legislation and the customer experience will be important topics for retailers. The drive to be ever-more competitive and go further than rivals will drive innovation. And with legal responsibilities around safety in the workplace tightening, compliance will become a crucial part of the maintenance schedule for most retailers.

Thankfully, these are all challenges we are ideally place to meet, thanks to our extensive network of highly experienced trades professionals across the UK and into Europe. Meaning that, whatever the issue retailers might be trying to resolve, we have both the resources and track record to deliver maintenance plans and projects that will transform their locations.

So for now, we would like to wish you and all our partners a Happy New Year and every success in the 2024. Here’s to a year full of welcome surprises and a long-overdue return of shoppers on the High Street.


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